Our Ministers

Senior Minister
Rev. Niels Tenuis
- Contact Reverend Niels or
- Copy Reverend Niels direct email: hillcrestucc.RevNiels@gmail.com
- 925-689-8260 Ext: 3
- Reverend Niels’ Office Hours are:
- Mondays 9:00 – 11:00 am; Wednesdays 9:00-am – 12 Noon
- Available by appointment at other times.
- Call 925-689-8260 Ext 2 to make am appointment.
Reverend Niels’ Bio
Rev. Niels is ordained in the United Church of Christ and received his Master of Divinity Degree from the Pacific School of Religion.
Rev. Niels has a long history with Hillcrest. He preached here from time to time when Rev. Fred Weidmann was Senior Minister. After Rev. Fred departed, he served in the summer of 2022 as Hillcrest’s Bridge Minister for several months.
Rev. Niels most recently served as a hospice chaplain for Sutter Hospice in San Francisco. Prior to that he worked as several other hospice organizations and got his training during a yearlong Clinical Pastoral Education residency at John Muir Hospital in Concord.
Before his work as a chaplain, Niels worked as an Assistant Professor in Sexuality Studies and Anthropology at San Francisco State University and received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from Northwestern University. His dissertation was based on a yearlong fieldwork project in Mali.
In addition, Niels worked as a coach and consultant in private practice and offered parent education in collaboration with his wife, Rev. Angela Jernigan.
Niels is a board member of the Young Lives Matter Foundation in Berkeley that organizes the largest violence prevention and youth development program in Berkeley serving around 150 young people and their families.
When not working, Niels can be found reading, listening to music (of all kinds), spending time with his family and simply walking. Niels was born in the Netherlands where he attended college at the University of Amsterdam.
Rev. Niels’ Hillcrest Office Hours are typically Monday and Wednesday mornings. Please call the Church Office for an appointment 925-689-8260 ext2. Return phone calls, meetings, digitally or in person, are available at the church and other locations.

Pastoral Associate
Allison Kuechle Silva
- Contact Allison or
- Copy Allison’s direct email: lokixoc@gmail.com
- 925-689-8260 ext. 7
Allison’s Bio
Allison Kuechle Silva is Hillcrest’s Pastoral Associate, which means she assists in a variety of pastoral roles from helping out during services to pastoral care. Her primary role is in Hillcrest’s Christian Education program, providing Adult Christian Education classes. She is currently working on an outreach program through the Welcome Corps.
Allison is a graduate of the Pacific School of Religion and has a passion for theology and history. She seeks to grow faith and foster curiosity in young and “not-so-young” minds. Allison believes that questioning is the route to a healthy faith, and that the only bad question is the one that is not asked.
Allison came to Hillcrest as a Minister in Training during her time at PSR, and fell in love with the strong sense of community she found there. She appreciates the way that Hillcrest people care deeply for one another and the wider community and shares in their commitment to social justice.
While at home, Allison enjoys reading, writing and the occasional foray out into nature.

Children and Young Families
Mya Terry
- Contact Mya or
- Copy Mya’s Hillcrest direct email: hillcrestucc.om@gmail.com
- 925-689-8260
Mya’s Bio
Mya has been a member of the Hillcrest congregation and Christian Education ministry team since 2012. When she isn’t teaching Sunday school, she works full time as a behavior analyst serving individuals with Autism and related disorders and exceptional learning needs. Mya has worked with children in some capacity since she was a teenager and enjoys teaching and bringing creativity- from her love of and background in music and theatre-to her work. Mya loves the open and affirming (and loving and supportive) community of Hillcrest and strives to “be the church” always. Mya loves spending time with her family (especially her husband Ryan and littles-Nina and Fox) outdoors being active together in nature.
Our Support Staff

Office Manager
Shelby Pickett
- Contact Shelby or
- Copy Shelby’s Hillcrest direct email: hillcrestucc.om@gmail.com
- 925-689-8260 Ext: 2
Shelby’s Bio
The Office Manager works in coordination with staff, church leaders and volunteers to carry out the work of the church. Responsibilities include preparing worship service bulletins, publishing the church newsletter, assisting with arrangements for memorials and baptisms, scheduling room use; and responding to inquiries from church members and the public.
Shelby has been a longstanding member of Hillcrest. She has worked in the office as an interim office manager, office assistant and volunteer. Her knowledge of Hillcrest’s programs and activities are an ongoing asset in this role. We appreciate her willingness to take on new challenges and the enthusiasm she brings to the position and to Hillcrest’s mission.

Financial and Operations Manager
John Carroll
- Contact John or
- Copy John’s direct email: johncarroll.hillcrestucc@gmail.com
- 925-689-8260 Msg: 1004
John’s Bio
Coming soon

Church Maintenance and Sound Technician
Ryan Terry
Ryan’s Bio
Ryan performs a variety of landscaping and maintenance duties such as setting up rooms for meetings and events, performing repairs, and assisting the Outreach volunteers as necessary. His second role at Hillcrest is Sound Technician for Sunday services, memorials and special events. Ryan has acquired a depth of knowledge and history of the 1950’s era buildings. In his free time, Ryan and his wife, Mya, enjoy spending time with their young family and participating in community theatre.

Organist, Pianist and Chancel Choir Director
Joshua Feltman
Joshua’s Bio
Joshua Feltman is a multi-faceted musician working in such diverse environments as education, theater and choral direction, and orchestral composition and arranging. He currently teaches at the Jewish Community High School in San Francisco and founded a company arranging music for school age instrumental groups. With an emphasis on sight-reading and playing-by-ear, Joshua’s skills as a keyboard accompanist are much in demand, especially among vocalists. Dr. Feltman is also a highly experienced leader in several administrative and artistic capacities, including Director of Development at Awesöme Orchestra Collective. While in New York, he took on several roles in the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Americas including Assistant Conductor. He also conducted the Contemporary Ensemble at the Graduate Center for five seasons and ConTempo at Brooklyn College for two while completing his PhD at City University.
Lay Leadership
Lay Leaders oversee the governance of Hillcrest Church. They are members of the congregation who volunteer to lead Children’s Ministries, plan worship themes, oversee long-term facility maintenance projects, manage our community outreach services, and much more. Hillcrest Church Lay Leaders direct and carry out the programs and mission established by the congregation. Lay Leadership is conducted under the auspices of the Church Council and the Board of Trustees.
Church Council
The Church Council is made up of the chairs of our program ministry committees, as well as a member at large along with the moderators, scribe, and the Trustees’ Chair and Treasurer. Church Council represents, plans and supports the ministries and programs of the church.
The Church Moderator is responsible to the Council for coordination of all church activities and for the development and accomplishment of the programs of the church.
Co-Moderator’s for 2023-2024
Katy Colbath
Cindy Durant

Church Council Members for 2023-2024
Sue Beadle, Worship and Music

David Durant, Board of Trustee Liaison

Kathy Flagstead, Care Ministry

Susan LaPat, Communications & Promotions

Bob Sartin, Scribe

Mya Terry, Children’s Christian Education
Valerie Wright, Member-at-Large
Contact the Church Office at hillcrestucc.om@gmail.com to relay a message to a member of the Council.
Board of Trustees
Hillcrest’s Board of Trustees is primarily responsible for personnel and property, and supports all aspects of Hillcrest ministry and operations by working to assure the safety, security, access, and functionality of all of our buildings and venues.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees for 2023-2024:
David Durant