Communion is available to all at the Lord’s Table! We serve Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month and weekly during the seasons of Advent and Lent. The minister can make Communion available to people who are unable to attend worship services.
Communion is served by intinction and by individual cups at alternating worship services.
In order to be hospitable to all who come, we serve grape juice.

This means taking a piece of bread and dipping it into a shared cup. Worshippers are invited to the front of the sanctuary to commune with bread and “wine”. In order to serve those for whom walking is a challenge, servers are glad to come to you in the pew; please let an usher or the person next to you know if you would like a server to come to you.

Individual Cups
Servers provide trays of bread and small cups of grape juice which are passed down the pews. After each person has been served bread, the pastor will signal that all should eat together. The sharing and drinking of the grape juice proceeds the same way. Put your empty cup in the holder in the pew.