At Hillcrest we welcome you wherever you are on life’s journey. We offer adult baptism, as well as the baptism of infants. In the case of adults, we arrange for one-on-one or group instruction with one of our ministers. In the case of infants and young children, we similarly arrange for parents to receive some instruction. In both cases, the community of faith is involved as well, to witness and celebrate your baptism and to promise our love, support, and care.
Baptism is a very personal experience. It is also an experience in and for the whole faith community. In the waters of baptism, God reaches out to say to each one of us, just as the voice of God did to Jesus on the day of his baptism, “You are my beloved…” That is God’s promise, through Jesus. And it is the promise of the community of faith, which provides for baptism, to every candidate for baptism.