“Praise the Lord, all you nations! For great is God’s steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!”
Psalm 117
Come Worship With Us!
Worship is central to Hillcrest. Worship is about relationship—relationship with God, God’s creation, and each other. In worship we come together to encounter and experience God in ways that transform. Come and participate in the many spiritually rich opportunities to worship God in community with others.
We have an informal, blended worship service (musical instruments vary from week to week and our music may include piano, organ, keyboard, guitars, flutes, drums and others, along with varied vocal music). There are many other opportunities as well—such as Wednesday evening services in the special seasons of Advent and Lent, and Taizé services.
Worship Service Times
The Sunday Worship Service is currently available “In-Person” and through Virtual Worship.
In-Person Worship
Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Virtual Online LIVE worship is available at the same time as in-person worship: Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Available later in the week on Hillcrest’s YouTube Channel.
Style of Worship
Our services are meant for the whole “family” or “come as you are.” Music varies from organ, piano, rock, gospel, folk, and country to classic hymns to chants. The congregation sings familiar music and learns new music Our Hillcrest Singers and other musicians sing and perform anthems and special arrangements of varied music related to the Sunday worship service.
Hymns and anthems cover a spectrum of music from classical to gospel to praise, old traditional and new. Members of the congregation assist in leading the worship and music.
Youth Are Welcome
Youth participation in the service is part of the worship experience. Children and Youth participate in leading worship by reading, singing, ushering, serving and acting as audio and video technicians. Some Sunday worship services are led by the youth. Young children may leave the service before the sermon for their own worship and education on the upper campus. Youth participation in the service is often a part of the worship experience.
From ancient times, communion has been celebrated within faith communities as a most sacred, central, form of encountering God in Jesus Christ and with each other. At Hillcrest, we serve Communion on the first Sunday of the month and weekly during the seasons of Advent and Lent. All are welcome at the Lord’s table! See our Communion page for more details.
Special Services
Evening services in the special seasons of Advent and Lent are offered. Outdoor services, Music Sunday, Blessing of the Animals, the Longest Night and other special services are offered routinely.
Meditation Services are held bi-weekly and monthly in small groups.
Taizé Services are held at other local churches.