May 2023 – Pastor’s Message

Then the One seated on the throne said, “Look! I’m making all things new.” – Revelation 21:5

Creation is waking up around us – the long winter season that we experience here in Contra Costa County is coming to an end. The grass is getting green, the flowers are starting to pop out of the ground, the trees are budding, and the birds are singing. Are you ready for it? I know I am!

Every spring is an opportunity for us to give thanks for the renewed life that God grants to the earth. Even as the creation groans under humanity’s downfall in Genesis 3, we can still see evidence of the goodness that God spoke over it in the beginning. The beauty of our region with its lakes, mountains, trees, and animal life of all kinds. It all testifies to our God of life!

At Hillcrest, we are concluding a seven-week journey to “Emerge”. On May 28, we will come to the end of our metamorphosis. But is it really the end?

Certainly, the book of Revelation points us to the end of this present age, where sin, pain, and death are still realities for us. But what happens when God brings this present age to an end at the second coming of Christ? New life! New creation!

What amazing, good news! What a reason for hope! I invite you to join us at Hillcrest as we conclude our “Emerge” journey and anticipate the transformation that awaits us. We also invite you to our Mother’s Day Celebration on May 14 where we will welcome Rev. Dr. Celestine Fields as our guest preacher. As surely as spring comes to Pleasant Hill each year, we can be confident that God will keep God’s promise to raise us and make all things new.

God bless your month! Christ’s peace and joy,

~ Pastor Kim