Hillcrest Friends,
Our Hillcrest worship series for the season of Lent has been “What r u up to?” Each Sunday we have asked virtuous and difficult questions such as, “What does it mean to be Called Up?” and “Are we prepared to Take Up our cross?” The journey of Lent is one of exploration. As Christians we read the gospel stories in great anticipation knowing that Jesus was ultimately up to something good as he journeyed to the cross. How is your Lent progressing so far? As we join our voices with the question-askers, we pray that God enlightens us and brings us into a deeper connection with Christ and with each other.
This month, the Church around the world will gather to remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah once more. These events, and what God has accomplished through them, are at the heart of what we call the gospel – literally, the “good news.” And it is this good news that sets the Christian faith apart from all other faith systems on earth. Remember to mark on your calendar for our Holy Week service schedule:
Palm Sunday March 24th | 10:30am
Thursday March 28th, Maundy Thursday Ecumenical Service at Concord United Methodist Church | 1645 West Street, Concord CA | 7:00pm
Friday March 29th, Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Hillcrest UCC with a potluck Community Meal in the Fellowship Hall | 5:30pm followed by our, “Journey to the Cross Service” at 7:00pm. Please sign-up to bring a dish.
Easter Sunday March 31st | 10:30am
We have been telling the story of the Bible all Lenten season, and this month, the story reaches its climax. To God be the Glory!
Easter blessings,
~ Pastor Kim