Good News. Aren’t those wonderful words?
We have Good News to talk about in the Food Room. Friday February26, our workers served 42!
More Good News, your generosity with turkeys for Thanksgiving lasted us through February 26.
We have PLENTY of egg cartons. Thank You, each and every one of you.
Our wonderful Girl Scouts have given us their abundance of Girl Scout cookies.
How many Food Rooms have these wonderful cookie to share? Hillcrest does!
We have run out of spaghetti but have many different kinds of pasta to substitute.
Our selections look like the pasta grocery aisle.
As we have heard in church many times over the years “This is the Good News”.
I forgot to remind everyone that Sunday March 6 is Food Room Sunday. Consider yourselves reminded. We always need cereal, peanut butter and chili.
The food room is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between the hours of 9am and 11:45 am for donations.
Carolyn Smith, Food Room coordinator for Outreach.