Join Us for Worship – Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.

Dearly beloved!
We are talking about listening in these weeks and if you’ve had a chance to hear my speak, you will understand that I think about listening broadly. It is really about being deeply perceptive. We contemplated listening to God the last two. In the next two weeks we’ll consider listening to one another. I will preach this Sunday and then Allison will preach the following week. We will close the series with two weeks about listening to the world. 
This reflects the three pillars of what church is really all about: worship of God, forging strong community, and service to the world. That is what we’re about. 
On Sunday I will speak about a specific spiritual practice that flows from perceiving one another in the church, one of the most powerful and life changing spiritual practices that the church has ever brought forth into the world: the practice of gratitude. 
So come and join us and share in that gratitude. I think it may just change your life for the better, I sincerely do. 
And please take a look at the August newsletter if you haven’t already. There are many reasons for gratitude present there. I hope you feel that. 
With all my heart
Pastor Niels