Recently my grandson, Joey, and I experienced an amazing “coincidence.” We were driving to church when we realized that we didn’t have Joe’s water bottle and here on the Big Island you get thirsty – particularly if you happen to be eating donuts….
Anyway, I started to turn the car around to go back and Joe said “No, Nana, I can just get the water at Dad’s house – don’t go back!” So…I did a complete turn around to go to Dad’s house. We pulled up to the curb and guess who was out in front of the house almost in the street?? ROCKY, the dog!! He had broken out of the yard and was loose – oh no! Joe jumped out of the car, grabbed Rocky and put him into the house. He was safe.
Wow – some things stand out: a “complete turn around,” we were on our way to church…, and Joe, age 9 said “don’t go back” – (didn’t Rev Fred just preach about including and considering the marginalized, even children?). What a coincidence…
Later that morning, after the worship service, we were saying the Lord’s Prayer in the car because we had missed it in church because we had been rounding up a dog and were late. So we agreed to say it ourselves and the moment we finished saying “forever and ever,” there was the minister standing at our car to take our photo! What a coincidence….
Maybe you have experienced some coincidences that you would like to share? Let’s start an “Amazing Graces Corner” in our newsletter – just email your story to the church office hillcrestucc@att.net to the attention of co-moderator Cindy Durant or co-moderator Katy Colbath. Cindy and I look forward to reading them!