Christmas Eve Worship with Pageant Theme: “Joy to the World” We are an open and affirming congregation and welcome the full …
Continue Reading about 2-24-2019 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship with Pageant
Christmas Eve Worship with Pageant Theme: “Joy to the World” We are an open and affirming congregation and welcome the full …
Continue Reading about 2-24-2019 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship with Pageant
4th Sunday of Advent Theme: Make the Nations Prove: Peaceful Joy We are an open and affirming congregation and welcome the …
Continue Reading about 12-22-2019 Advent Carol Sing @ 10:15; Worship @ 10:30
3rd Sunday of Advent Theme: Prepare Him Room: Loving Joy We are an open and affirming congregation and welcome the full …
Continue Reading about 12-15-2019 Advent Carol Sing @ 10:15; Worship @ 10:30
2nd Sunday of Advent Theme: Prepare Him Room: Loving Joy Please dress warmly for worship-- power outage means sanctuary …
Continue Reading about 12-8-2019 Advent Carol Sing 10:15; Worship 10:30