Well, somehow it’s October already. I feel like every year I am shocked when Halloween candy starts appearing in store aislesĀ and Halloween stores pop up in usually vacant storefronts. In some ways, the year feels like it just began, how can it be almost over already?
October heraldsĀ the start of the busiest part of the program year, at least for Christian ed. Halloween and the fall faire are always fun, and it’s already time to start thinking about the Christmas pageant. Of course, this year, we’re in an interesting position. We have not yet returned to “normal,” but neither are we exclusively online anymore. This means that we once again have to reinvent the wheel as to what things like the pageant will look like.
We have also started confirmation classes! I am excited to sit down with several of our older kids and Rev. Fred to dig more into who we are here at Hillcrest and why we do what we do. I couldn’t ask for a better group of kids with the thoughtful questions that they ask and the willingness to engage with the two of us, We will be meeting after church frequently during the program year and I’m sure it will be a fun journey.
Allison Kuechle Silva, Pastoral Associate